Anglais - Interviewing the World - Semestre pair
Catalogue des cours - Faculté des languesParcours Catalogue Pôle LanSAD - Anglais
Intitulé sur Lansadmin : ANG-Interviewing
At the university, we tend to focus on learning from texts and professors and we sometimes forget that everyone has something to teach us and a story to tell. In this class, you will be turning your attention to the people around you while digging deeper into a subject that interests you. In other words, you will be interviewing people (experts and non-experts) about a specific topic you are passionate about. This is going to require becoming an expert yourself in order to be able to ask the right questions and guide the conversations. With these conversations, you get to create a podcast! This is where you will be presenting your topic, along with your interviews and conclusions. You will also be giving a live interview to another student about the creation of your podcast.
This course is recommended for students with a B1 level or higher in both comprehension and production language skills.
Listening to podcasts in any language is not a requirement, but you might enjoy this course more if you already like lidoing so.
Things you might want to consider before signing up to this course:
- an interview is not just reading a list of questions aloud to someone!,
- you will be interviewing people OUTSIDE of your English class,
- you will be sharing your podcast with the rest of the class,
- you will be working on your own, in small groups and occasionally, in a big group,
- you will be assessed on both roles: the interviewer and the interviewee,
- some of the classes will be asynchronous.
Compétences requises
Ce cours est exclusivement ouvert aux étudiants dont le niveau se situe entre B1 et C2. Les étudiants ayant un niveau inférieur ou supérieur seront désinscrits.
Compétences visées
Les compétences évaluées dans le cadre de ce module sont les suivantes :
- interviewer dans le contexte d'un podcast,
- être interviewé sur son podcast.
L'évaluation conduira à l'attribution de niveaux tels que décrits dans le CECR (Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les langues) pour chacune des compétences.
Modalités d'organisation et de suivi
Présentiel (14 hours), asynchrone (6 hours)
Based on your research and interviews, you will create a podcast episode presenting the topic, the interviews and conclusions. You will also give an interview to another student about the creation of your podcast.
Informations complémentaires
Savoir-faire et compétences mobilisées afin d'atteindre l'objectif / de réaliser la tâche finale :
In order to be able to create your podcast, you will individually, in pairs or in groups:
- listen to podcasts about your topic,
- become an “expert” on your topic, which means studying reliable sources about it and learning the specific vocabulary related to it,
- decide who to interview, where to find them, how to approach them and what to ask them ,
- write a script/notes to guide your interview,
- learn about the sociolinguistics aspects of interviewing,
- review some of your grammar and work on your pronunciation,
- learn about the technical aspects of podcasting,
- organize, structure and develop your episode,
- register your work on a progress portfolio,
- practice interviewing and being interviewed.